
1988 to 1990
Deploying the killer app: Being manager of general procurement meant that, in addition to buyer workstations, I was responsible for a department that bought office supplies. Definitely not what I had in mind. While some of us were stocking supply cabinets, others were ordering network equipment. Nick was setting up buyer workstations and purchasing agents were dealing with network suppliers to see how long we could avoid paying them. In the meantime, I was playing a shell-game to cover expenses and routinely dealing with Nick’s account manager to see how long I could avoid paying him. Accounts payable was calling me every week about unpaid invoices. Controllers were calling me everyday to get budget estimates and a spreadsheet was telling me I owed $1,250,000 in network supplies and consulting fees. In addition, my boss was on my case every half-hour about performance reviews ..and the cafeteria was complaining that they were low on salt.
the saga continues ~> [ link ]

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